Monday, October 5, 2015

Download ebook " CPA Commission Takeover " FREE

Hello everyone, my name is Kevin Brown and I want to start off by saying a big THANK YOU for putting your trust in me and into this CPA blueprint. Get ready for a wild ride with this income producing cash cow!
Making a full time income online, especially a PASSIVE one is an amazing feeling and my
goal with this guide is to get you on that path to freedom as fast as possible.

One of my favorite and easiest ways to build up a fat income online is by jumping into the CPA game. I love promoting CPA because:
 There are generally offers to promote in every market
 There is ALWAYS a network that you can get into (and eventually all of them will accept you once you get some experience under your belt)
 There is very low resistance in order to get the conversion with CPA (email submits, zip submits, free trials etc)
 You get paid every 7 – 14 days with most networks
Once you find a few converting offers you can easily be making upwards of $200+ a day just by scaling up the traffic. It’s so dang easy once you do it a couple times that it almost seems unfair to everyone out there slaving away at their 9-5 J.O.B!
What You Will Be Able To Accomplish After Reading This Blueprint Once you have learned the methods I am about to expose you to you will be able to easily:
Get accepted into a CPA network
Filter out bad offers and locate top converting offer to promote Get an avalanche of laser target traffic to your CPA offer
Supercharge your earnings on autopilot with free traffic from Google In other words, once you are finished with this guide you will know exactly how to go out and set up little cash cows that bring you in money night and day over and over again. All you need to do is SCALE UP to your desired income. This system, when implemented with intention will blow the roof off what you thought was possible to make in earnings each month.


Download ebook " CPA Click Profits " Free

First of all, I would like to say thank you for purchasing the CPA Click Profits report. I hope you enjoy and get some valuable information out of the report to start scaling your CPA campaigns.
In this eBook, I am going to be revealing to you step-by-step on a different way of Renting BIG email list owners and getting them to send out your offer.

Where we only pay for the Clicks we receive and never pay for fraudulent or bot traffic ever! Only the highest quality Email Traffic you can find from selected Publishers from: If you have not heard of AdClickMedia before, you're missing out big time. Not that long ago, AdClickMedia brought out a new Advertiser/Publisher Email side where we can rent
big Email Lists and only pay for the quality Clicks we want for our selected Niche.
This is what I'll be revealing to you in this eBook on how to tap into the Millions of Email Data they have available and get quality traffic to our CPA/Affiliate Offers and or build massive email lists.
So, first things first, some things you will need to get up and running...

Here are some things you will need:
 A CPA Affiliate Network account (Go Below To See Recommended Ones)
 Account at
 A small budget of $150 to start (Remember you only pay for the Clicks)
 Domain Name (Only if you want to build a list and not direct link)


Download ebook " CPA Cash Storm " FREE

So you want to make a sh*t load of cash right. Great and you want to be able to do it from home or whilst lying on the beach. Well I've good some good news and some bad news, the good news - you can do that and lots of dudes out there are doing just that.

However here's the bad news, to do what you want to do there is a step, or in some cases, a huge leap to get there. So what are you on about I hear you say. Well it is the Be-Do-Have step (leap) yep still with me, hang in there brother and it will be clear as a bell shortly


Download ebook " CPA Cash Flow " FREE

The information contained in this guide is for informational purposes only. I am not a lawyer or an accountant. Any legal or financial advice that I give is my opinion based on my own experience. You should always seek the advice of a professional before acting on something that I have published
or recommended. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the author. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this guide are the property of their  respective owners. Users of this guide are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions and all information, products, services thathave been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. By reading this guide, you agree that myself and my company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented in this guide.

Download here


Download ebook " CPA Affiliate Bonanza " FREE

CPA Marketing – The Reason behind Its Sudden Hype
Most of us are aware of affiliate marketing, which is a form of virtual advertisement on the Internet that allow companies all over the world sell their products to consumers from any part of the globe. You may not have heard of CPA marketing, though. Well, CPA stands for Cost per Action.
The basic idea of the CPA marketing approach is to gain useful information from potential consumers and convert them into profitable leads for future sales generation. This information can be of various kinds: telephone number, residential address, email address, social security number, credit or debit card number, etc.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ 3
CPA Marketing – The Reason Behind Its Sudden Hype..................................................................4
What Is CPA- A Comprehensive Explanation................................................................................ 5
What Is a CPA Network?................................................................................................................ 7
What Are the Advantages of Joining a CPA Network?................................................................... 8
How to Earn Big with CPA Marketing......................................................................................... 10
Here are the Top CPA Networks that You could Join................................................................... 13
Steps to Help You Get Approved with CPA Networks................................................................. 17
How to Select CPA offers............................................................................................................. 19
Selecting the Right CPA Offer...................................................................................................... 21
How do you study the market competition?............................................................................. 21
How to Join CPA Networks.......................................................................................................... 11
How to get your Affiliate URLS to Promote CPA Offers............................................................. 23
What are your Options for Advertising CPA Offers?................................................................... 23
How to Generate Natural Traffic to your CPA offer................................................................. 25
Social Media Traffic to Your CPA Offers................................................................................ 26
Draw Traffic to Your CPA offer through Forum Marketing:.................................................... 26
Draw Traffic to Your CPA Offers By Writing Articles:........................................................... 27
Reciprocal Linking:.................................................................................................................. 28
Blogging:.................................................................................................................................. 28
Joint venture traffic:................................................................................................................. 28
Video traffic:............................................................................................................................ 28
PPC Traffic to Your CPA Offer............................................................................................... 29
E-mail Marketing:.................................................................................................................... 29
What are the Effective Keyword Strategies?................................................................................. 30
How to Test Keywords for CPA Marketing.................................................................................. 31
How to Track Online Marketing ROI Using CPA........................................................................ 32
Resources...................................................................................................................................... 36
Additional Cool Resources........................................................................................................... 38
Discounts............................................................................................................................ 45


Download ebook "Copy Paste CPA Method" FREE

The system that I am going to discuss in the next few pages is probably the simplest,easiest and one of the most potent moneymaking system that you’ll ever come across.
The potential is so great that you can create a consistent six figure a year income out of this system alone and the best thing is that it generates autopilot income…Meaning you just set up the system once and it’ll bring you thousands of dollars month after month without needing any effort on your part.

 Another beauty of this system is that it suites all kind of marketers…Even if you are a complete newbie,you can implement the full method within just a few minutes and it doesn’t require you to invest a dime upfront.
In the case you are already making money with IM,you can use this method to add another five to six figure a year income stream to your existing revenues with just a few minutes of work a day.

The System In A utshell
In this method we are going to take massive leverage from online blogs to send thousands of laser targeted visitors to our CPA offers and make a six figure income just by being a middleman.
There are billions of blogs online.You can find millions of them in any big niche.Most of the blogs are built on the wordpress platform and many of them receive tens of thousands of visits ever day.
Blogs allow their owners to share their knowledge, thoughts and emotions with the world and most of the blogging platforms include several interactive features to felicitate maximum interaction between the blog owner and the readers as well as among the readers.
Established blog owners are perceived as the top authorities in their respective niches and their recommendations are rabidly followed by their devoted readers.


Download ebook "$700 Day With CPA" FREE

Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for purchasing my short guide. I will show you exactly how I made $21,000 last month alone with CPA offers.
All it took was about 10 minutes of uncomplicated work each day. This method is dead easy and if you are unable to do it directly yourself, it can be very easily outsourced.
With all the competition between internet marketers fighting over traffic to fulfil their CPA offers online, it has become unbelievably easy to make money offline doing the same thing. Most people who see the words 'offline marketing' run away and hide because they think it means getting up close and personal with people. This method can work with no human contact at all if you really don't want to deal with people face to face! I will show you the perfect group of people to target with your CPA offers.

This guide will be broken up in to 4 sections. Firstly, I will tell you my own story of how I banked $21,000 last month using this method and how the idea came to me. Secondly, I will give you a breakdown of all the steps involved to get going. I will then give you a template to use so you can get started right now and also show you how to outsource all of the work!
Finally, you will see a simple checklist at the end that will help you organise everything and make sure you have not left anything out.

Table of Contents
Part 1: My Story ................................................................................................. 4
Part 2: The Steps Involved.................................................................................. 7
Step 1: College scouting.................................................................................. 8
Step 2: Join a CPA network ............................................................................. 8
Step 3: Find a relevant CPA offer to use.......................................................... 9
Step 4: Create your paper advertisements.................................................... 10
Step 5: Deliver your advertisements ............................................................. 11
Part 3: Offer Template ..................................................................................... 12
Part 4: Outsourcing Guide................................................................................ 13
Checklist .......................................................................................................... 14


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Online marketing tools for small business

Every works has its own specialized tools. For online marketer, what are the tools they need?

1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM = SEO + PPC)

SEO - Search Engine Optimization: This includes online marketing methods to optimize the website on search engines. The aim is to improve the ranking and location of the site on the search engines (Google, Yahoo, Safari ...)
PPC - Pay Per Click. Paid advertising registered with Google Adwords tool, aims at attracting customers from Google Search or from websites affiliated with Google.

2. Email Marketing

Provide information about products, services and collect feedback on products and services from customers through email marketing. Before sending email, you need to gather email addresses of potential customers or purchase customer’s data (with a careful selection).

3. Banner Advertising

This is a form of buying positions on sites other than company site to place the ads. This method of online marketing grows up from atraditional advertising methods: placing ads in newspapers or magazines.

4. PR Online

It is about writing and posting articles about company's notable news onto the online system (electronic press, websites, forums ...)

5. Blog & Social Media Marketing

This is a method to build blogs, social network and share comments or personal views, create discussion topics on the forum as well as activities by the blogger to introducelinks to product sites and online services.

6. SMS / Mobile Marketing

Forms of advertising through mobile media (instant messaging, chat, and broadcast content ...) that create channel of communication and broadcasting between brands and customers.

7. Viral Marketing

 Forms of advertising based on the context that there are satisfied customers who always want to tell others about the product or service of the company after using it. This is a method that online marketers consider as the spread of a virus.

8. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a form of tool which uses video to attract and promote products. Youtube is now the most popular broadcast channel video.

9. Article Marketing

Article marketing is a method using construction site content, writing and editing articles related to business operations of the company or sharing the articles on relevant websites.
This trend is increasingly expanding. Article marketing can bring a large amount of traffic to your site, and well-spreading articles will bring your brand to a great number of people.